I have never seen the movie PURPLE RAIN, which was Prince's big, what, ego trip? Acting debut? Who cares, but around 30 years he made the movie, I happened to get the cassette and OH MAN have I listened to it a gazillion times....how to describe Prince? He is a great muscian, fun, CATCHY!
Tied with Talking Heads REMAIN IN LIGHT. Again, about 30 years ago it came out and I got the cassette. It was in the car on constant rotation. My mom was riding with me one day about ten years ago and said "what KIND OF MUSIC IS THIS????". You search the gibberish and noise in there looking for meaning and....never find any. But you keep looking....
Can you believe I only recently replaced each cassette with a CD? And more recently than that, finally got it them to the ipod? I read the other day that your personality and tastes are formed in your adolescence...no SH!T! 30 years ago I was 16....
These are the things you do when the wife is out of town indeed....
you can comment on your favorite albums of all time too...

Also, of course, hike! It was 0-8 degrees for our early walk. Penny in her coat in our yard. YEP. more fresh snow Saturday, more fresh snow Sunday... due to get super warm this WEEK THANK GOODNESS.

It was such a cold week the river here behind our house froze solid in some stretches. You could have skated on it Friday, it was clean and clear before this snow came---I would NEVER go onto ice, but one of my neighbors skates there. I took this pic from the bridge by our house, and our back yard is on the river bank just up there at the bend on the right...so pretty, hmm?

Our wee village has a nature preserve with trails and more river bank surrounding our cemetery etc. I am picky. I do not like to go in there in the weedy summer since TICKS, yes, DEER TICKS with LIME DISEASE became so common, but now, with only a little snow, it sure makes a great walk.

Bridge over the river looking at the nature preserve on the left, our house is behind me, Mt Pleasant in the snow and fog straight ahead in this pic....

Like I say, the nature preserve surrounds our cemetery. I had never thought about how pretty it could look in winter snow...and I live only a couple of hundred yards away! This cemetery is 200+ years old....it has fresh flags on some markers...guys who fought in 1776 and later came out here and farmed and settled the village...civil war veterans....war of 1812.... plus a LOT of young women and a lot of children...life was flippin' brutal then...anyway, have an awesome Sunday!

Another tea for one set....or single serve teapot and cup. They make such a tidy pair! The first ones I made 12 or 15 years ago the teapot sat atop the cup somehow. It is better to have the teapot sit in there like this. You a) end up with a much bigger teapot and about 1 1/2 cup of tea, yay! and b) the teapot warms the cup as you brew and c) it is a lot more stable, right? The teapot does not just fall off the cup....

(teapot and cup by Gary Rith)
that teapot is Fabulous! You keep your snow and I am keeping my snakes...they come out less often.
Penny looks cold out there.
I don't know about us we love all music except Rap- and are always looking for new artist. What does that say about us?
We listen to jazz, rock, indie, slow, fast, good and sometimes funny..
I'm not a big fan of cold and snow, but I have to admit it's pretty, especially in the woods.
I must admit to a fondness for Talking Heads. I remember an interview with them on some NPR station when they were first starting out. David Byrne is a most interesting musician/artist. Like Meredith, we listen to almost anything that is not rap....but after watching Treme, I must say I've even heard some interesting rap. But the music I continually turn to is the early stuff. A go to album is Yoyo Ma's recording of Bach's Five Unaccompanied Cello Concerti.
Penny looks completely disgruntled by the snow and cold, but so cute in her coat. Winter wants the door into summer, but this morning she peed and then stretched out, belly down in the snow...go figure!
Are you selling the teapot and cup? I WANT it! Do you have my email? (It's on my profile page if you don't) You could contact me as to best way to pay. Etsy? Direct to you? Carrier pigeon?
Some of the stuff I listened to 35 years ago during adolescence I'd probably not cotton to now...too much angst. Sometimes though, I hear something from the old days and it's like reconnecting with a long time and long lost friend. Some of the popular stuff lost appeal when it became the stuff of commercial jingles. Back then, I didn't know much about music from other parts of the world that I now enjoy listening to sometimes.
Thanks for taking me along on virtual walk in snow with y'all. Armchair walking is great! Lovely teapot service...keep making those animals!
Wonderful pics and love, love the teapot! Err...Uh...Penny looks a little chilled. Perhaps she needs an argile sweater? LOL
I never bought that many prerecorded cassettes -- mostly I would make mix tapes from my records.
All that snow!! Holy moly; looks pretty and COLD!
I've always like Prince's music too and that particular soundtrack is awesome.
I don't know if I could pick a favorite album of all time because I like so many!! Maybe Dave Matthews very first album if I had to choose?? :)
I was weirdly obsessed with Purple Rain. I was a kid. Okay I looked it up, it came out in 1984. I was 5. How long would it take to reach me? Well I don't know. All I know is that I was obsessed with Purple Rain and Dad would tell me to turn it off. I didn't get it. I listen now, I get it. I know why he wanted me to turn it off, still don't understand why I loved it so much.
Everything in your world is just always filled with whimsy and joy. And Talking Heads!
Oh Gary, will you still be my friend if I confess that I HATE Purple Rain? I have a REALLY, REALLY good reason though. My freshman year in the godawful dorm, the guy living in the room above mine played the Purple Rain soundtrack nonstop. Morning, noon, and night Purple Rain. Even after I moved to Minneapolis, home of Prince, I just couldn't shake the trauma of 24/7 Purple Rain.
I do, however, love the Talking Heads so maybe that counts for something.
That is quite possibly the cutest little elephant tea pot ever.
Suz and Smartcat also have great taste in music. Dave Matthews is one of my favorites. And of course, YoYo...sigh...I'd go hear him play the phonebook.
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