--21 years this month the wife and I became an item, for real! My goodness I ached until that moment, because she had been a friend for awhile and then suddenly.... :)
-- 16 years ago, in 1997, I went into pottery full-time and MOST IMPORTANTLY, and this is a BIG NUMBER:
--2013 going back to 1983: THIRTY YEARS (30!) ago I got into pottery and sculpture. That is a big flippin' number. People who don't know me ask casually "oh, when did you start making pots?" and they always get this look of !!!! on their face when I have said 20-something....well guys, put 30 in your pipe and smoke it :)
BE IT RESOLVED:.. sure, I make resolutions, despite being as close to perfect as possible (HA!HA!)
"more give and take in 2013"
OK, what does that mean to me? It is a big umbrella. Let's say for example I was to LAMENT not getting the sweater I wanted for my birthday....totally bummed, alright? Here is me depressed that I missed out on my DREAM SWEATER. But there is me and the wife a month later at the store, and holy sh!t! MY DREAM SWEATER ON SALE 80 percent off! So I get 2. This happens ALL THE TIME. You realize a little patience with this world and you can get what you want (see above, pursuit of wife). I am VERY lucky and fortunate.
Also, give and take? Let's say I am in a snit because I did a favor for somebody I don't like and I am all BLEH BLEH BLEH feeling meanspirited and used and abused by a jerk. But then there I am out there shoveling a boatload of snow and my buddy Trevor from across the street suddenly comes over unasked and snowblows the whole thing for me (Trevor is a family man and firefighter, sooo friendly, with awesome family and the dog Yogi--you can see him having beers here). Lesson learned: why worry about the time you felt down and used when others have been and probably will be so generous to you?
So, try to realize that there is a lot of give and take in the world. Etc. And try to be more patient and forgiving....
ANYWAY, also on tap for 2013, I think....

We may have gluten free guests today. I made gluten free peanut butter chocolate cookies, the internet sensation 4 ingredient version! ***
MMMMM gosh, tasty....

Other people probably PARTY on New Year's eve. I remember waking up when the cat jumped into bed at 12:34 and telling the wife...and cat...HAPPY NEW YEAR! I probably fell asleep before 9:30...
partying to my athletic old ass is going over to Raymundo's house to meet Stev0 and run a sh!tload of miles in the pretty winter sun....well, 5 miles of hills. That is how THIS BOY parties...
Raymundo has the famous kitten Scoop, whom you met a month ago here. Scoop LOVVVVES me and I love Scoop. Dig how Scoop is next to Raymundo's daughter's KICK ASS bronze colored Doc Martens. Ray's daughter is from this tiny little town here full of rednecks....but left for art school in NY city and the punk lifestyle BLESS HER and she wants to be an illustrator. Maybe the most awesome 21 year old on earth.....
I get home after playing with Scoop and my dog and cat are like "where have YOU BEEN????"

*** 4 ingredient peanut butter cookies
preheat to 350, grease 2 cookie sheets
Mix one cup peanut butter with one cup sugar, add an egg and one teaspoon baking soda, stir nicely. You can add (why wouldn't you????) a half cup chocolate chips and a half cup chopped peanuts.
Spoon out little tidy balls onto your cookie sheets, press gently with a fork, bake for 8-10 minutes then cool on rack, SOOOOO EASY! I think I got this awesome recipe from Leslie....
Happy New Year, Gary & Maude! Loved this post, so positive...good for you!
I know those cookies! Happy New year!
Thanks for the shout out, Gary. I'm not as creative as you. I'll have to try the addition of chocolate chips and nuts!
Happy New Year to you, Maude, Penney and Spike. I hope 2013 is everything you want it to be.
Hope your next year meets all your great ideas...why not Godzilla tat, pray tell? Just put it where only a few will see.
I make little resolutions along the way--some work while others not so much. I like the resolve you've set upon and written down. I am thinking of maybe finding a word or theme as you have done and carry it through the year. Best in 2013!
um, the idea of getting a tat and hiding it???? NOOoooooo! You wanna show that sh!t OFF! :)
Happy 2013 to you and all your family...two and four legged!
I love this post for so many reasons. First, let's start with Scoop! Kitten cuteness that this cat lady just can't ignore. Second, I too like anniversaries big and small. I also really like the give and take idea. So many little acts of kindness often mean so much to people when we don't even realize we are doing them. Happy New Year to you, Maude, Penny and Spike!
Happy New Year to the Rith family!
Happy New Year Gary! I like hearing about your friends... that's something I want to do more writing about.... thanks for the inspiration!
This post is just oozing with positivity....you know I love that! I only stayed up till midnight because we had a 'boy" visitor and I needed to chaperone, but really, there was no way I was getting up the next day running. ONLY YOU! :)
Wishing you all the best in 2013. 30 years?????? YOWZA!
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