Penny is like, all crazy ninja all over Spike. You'll see more of that below, she was in a MOOD yesterday...
There is a certain favorite book of mine, let's call it the Cat in the H#t, and it has a fish in a teapot, which I have always thought hilarious. And as a potter, you're like "I wanna make that!" and so finally yesterday I made 2, one stand alone fish in a teapot, one for a wall plaque. Super good!

love, love, love that fish in a teapot!!!! Oh the things Seuss can inspire.
Whoa... Penny was in a MOOD. ;)
Diggin' the fishy in the teapot. That's where I would keep my fishy, if I had one.
Fun idea for all the Dr Seuss fans.
Penny getting her hump on.
That fishy teapot is the cutest thing ever.
Brilliant idea!
Poor Spike.
dr suess and clay were meant to be together
OMG Cousin Wonderful, absolutely adore the Dr. Suess fish in the teapot...really wonderful. I did a Dr. Suess Teapot long time ago, will post photo...Brilliant minds think alike...lol lol lol..:)
Love the Penny, Spike, Buster photos, splendid. Love Penny's trying to dominate Spike, Good luck Penny, Spike seems unmoved by your endeavors.
Our dogs try to dominate cats in this fashion and usually wind up running away in terror, with cat biting their ears...lol Great Blog..truly love the teapot!
The fishies are awesome.
Just what is penny doing in that last photo?? you just upped your rating here on the ol' blog.
It went from PG to R!!!
When I was little I was always nervous that the little fish was out of water for too long and was in danger! Sigh.
I guess everyones gotta get some. . .fish pots that is! Awesome!
p.s. thanks for talkin me up at nights
One Pot, two pots, this one has a little star, this one has a little car, my what a lot of pots there are. Dr. Seuss is the best. Great job.
Penny seems a to have a little sexual deviation??
Hey, when you get the fish in the teapot glazed I wanna' use that pic in your corner on my blog! ;-)
I need to update it; been quite awhile since it's been changed.
Maybe Penny helped herself to a little espresso??
LOVE the fish in a teapot! Dr. Seuss is one of my favoritest people in the whole wide world.
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