Some of you may recall my old friend Carrie...not my oldest (going back in time, that is) but close to my oldest. She was the first girl I ever wanted to ask out. When we were 11, I had a crush on her in sixth grade and asked her to the fall sock hop. We never went, but she never said NO either....
Decades pass, facebook is invented, and her sweet self JUST SO happens to live in the same town as us. (we went to school over toward Buffalo, about 3 hours from here). She is just as groovy as ever and I am lucky to still know her.
ANYWAY, she needed a dachshund mug for her sister...I explained:
"sure, just like the beagle mugs I make everyday! Just longer and lower..." and she agrees
"yes, and a pointier nose too!".

This is a case where the value of social media can't be denied.
Cute pup!
Sweet little doggie!
HOT DOG that’s cute...Yup, I couldn’t resist.
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