I swear, every time I make a pumpkin pie it is easier than it has any right to be. Even though I can't have dairy or wheat, my rice crust coconut milk pie is soooo gorgeous tasty and easy I wonder why I don't make them every day..... but I need to make an apple pie soon. Sure, you have to chop. But if I feel lazy, i can do a crumble top rather than bothering with the rolled out top, right? Not much more work....
I have the most insanely busy week of my life ahead ...in EVERY way.
But I am well rested and will be well fed, so here we go :)
(below-decorating a pitcher...my, what messy hair I have....hard to believe...maybe I should comb it more than once a week)

Pumpkin AND apple are my favorite pies. Wishing you a lovely week even thought it's gonna be busy!!!
The holiday’s are busy times for us potters, who has time to comb hair?
Pumpkin pie is easy and soooo delicious. I have to make one soon.
Mmmmm pie!!!
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