BUT it is fun going to Syracuse where my clay supplier is.
I lived there 26 years ago when I finished college and taught at my nephew's preschool. Syracuse is a groovier place now.
Clayscapes is a family owned business, selling clay and supplies and with a gallery and huge teaching classrooms, where anybody can take classes! That's my order, coming out of the warehouse ...

We had a little time and drove through my old neighborhood, on the edge of Syracuse University. The eastern edge of the university borders Thornden Park and Westcott, which is all beautiful old frame houses and fun restaurants AND America's second best rose garden! People reserve it all the time for events...including just after our visit somebody was having a wedding there! Thousands of luscious roses, even lavendar colored...

Then we went to Alto Cinco, my FAVorite restaurant in upstate NY! We have great Mexican food in Ithaca, but Alto Cinco is one step up...as I get older, I get more neurotic about some things, like waitress service. I hate waiting for waitstaff, and Alto Cinco has counter service, then you can see all the young hipsters go past, all the artists who are saving their pennies to live up here rather than Brooklyn :)

Finally, hey, my sunflowers, wow! Coming along, and huge!

Going to those clay supply houses is like a pilgrimage of sorts for me. Syracuse sounds like it has some great fun places to visit.
What a neat little outing. Clayscapes sounds like a really cool place to visit and buy from. Then a beautiful garden, delicious lunch and visit to old memories.
A nice day indeed!
Great portrait of the two of you as your new header. Get that one framed and on the mantle at some point.
Agree with JB 100%!!! That's a terrific shot! Love your area of NYS, cuz it's got so many beautiful towns and cities.
Seconding or thirding the great header.
Man, that is one huge burrito!
I grew up a long time ago outside of Syracuse. It sure wasn't hip or cool back then---but then, it was so long ago maybe there wasn't cool or hip anywhere! Glad to know it's doing well now.
Where are the best Mexican places to eat at in Ithaca( or Elmira, Corning, Hammondsport, etc) We moved here from Texas and can't find ANY good Mexican food!
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