You will remember that yesterday I mentioned my sideline as a dog walker, (other than walking MY OWN dog) and Yogi and I had our first outing Tuesday. He was a champ! We have a bridge that dogs don't like and I hustled him across it with treats. I theorize that young dogs can get used to a lot, right? I want him him used to this bridge, because then you can walk to the playground! We did, and another neighbor of ours was over there...with her baby!!!!!!
Don't you just want a whole houseload of your OWN PUPPIES AND BABIES??????

Be careful what you wish for Gary. A whole houseful of puppies and babies who belong to someone else, that's what you want.
Also, that Yogi is so cute. Goldendoodles keep those sweet faces their whole lifes. Jimmie the Giant is the sweetest dog we have ever owned. He still has that cute face, it's hard to say no to him. Kind of like a cute two year old.
You're smart to help him overcome his fears while he's young. Good pet sitting potter.
nothing is better than babies and puppies!
I need a dog. Seriously. And look at YOU, outside in December with NO COAT, sunshine, green grass!
Puppies and babies are both cute but they also make stinky messes... I'm a realist! :)
You are really smart to teach Yogi to cross the bridge nicely. His owners will thank you, I'm sure.
And that baby has an adorable sweater. :)
I'm "Awwww"ing all over the place. What a cutie. And yes I do want a house full of babies, puppies and kittens but I just don't want it to be my house. ;) At least not unless they know when the visit is over.
Nothin' cuter than babies and puppies, I say!!!
You are an excelling trainer!!!! I should have sent my babies to you years ago. Oh, I mean my puppies.
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