Wednesday, May 9, 2012

believe in the power of the four leaf clover!

The wife and were walking the beagle in the rain Tuesday and my glasses were at home but STILL I tripped over and picked 15 four leaf clovers...actually, some were 5 leaf clovers, that little extra bit of luck, you know? Then later the wife found another in the neighbor's yard. I had found a few four leaf clovers already this year, but Tuesday was an esp. lucky morning....

It occurred to me that a beagle attacking Godzilla's tail would be funny...then as I was making it, I realized it would be funnier if Godzilla was eating the display....the whole thing turned out pretty darn funny I think...HAPPY WEDNESDAY!


  1. found another 12 four leaf clovers in different spots this morning :) rain = abundant green!

  2. You are sure lucky!!!

    Dog chewing on Godzilla's tail is really funny! <3

  3. Love it!! Did you read Linda Starr's blog this morning, speaking of lucky!

  4. Great sculpture with dog and Godzilla. Whow, I don't think I've ever found a 4-leafer, but then I also think we make our own luck, so being lucky may have to do with just finding things. And looking.

  5. That is a great sculpture! Exactly the thing a little dog would do if Godzilla attacked.

  6. I love it, and I am amazed that you keep coming up with these new and wild ideas.

  7. You must live in some sort of special lucky zone for clover!

  8. Yes, you must live in the lucky twilight zone. :)
    Poor misunderstood.

  9. Love that the beagle is chewing G's tail while G is chewing on the display. Your brain must have gotten hold of some of those yummy brain food cookies...
