A week or so ago I showed myself making a couple of dragon candle holders…DANG they were popular, both sold before they were even fired. They turned out super cute, hmm?
In other news:
SNOW! We had several inches yesterday and we are getting more right now. GAH! Who needs it???
Finally: I dreamt I was hired to captain a tugboat pushing a barge loaded with something somewhere…I had no idea how to do any of this but figured once I was behind the wheel I would figure it out. I had another dream, too, where I went to a live Halestorm concert…. pretty active night :)

You do so much in your dreams that you must be exhausted when you wake up!
We are expecting three inches or more of snow today with more to follow later in the week!
Poor Winter goes out in the yard and shivers. She refuses to play and looks at us like we have taken complete leave of our senses! Penny looks equally non-plused!
Yesterday's vase is elegant. Love the way the fold becomes the stem.
I am happy for blue skies and 72 degrees here! At least you know the snow won't last long.
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