Monday, October 27, 2014

even men would KILL for dreamy footwear.....

You're probably wondering about  my footwear, right????
So yesterday we are at Quaker meeting with B. and F., 2 friends who, like us, were hipsters 20 years BEFORE anybody would step foot in Brooklyn...and F. has on shoes that I tell my wife
"I would hit F. over the head for his shoes...just enough to DAZE, no lasting harm....and then, lickety split, I would steal his shoes...."

I might be a Quaker, but I am a BAD one, filled with nasty gnarly jealous thoughts...about stealing other men's shoes.  Can you imagine how evil that is, amongst peaceable Quakers?  I should stop by a Catholic church and confess my sins, right? (naaaaaaah.....I joined a facebook group called Bad Quakers instead..which is actually NOT the name of a California punk band, as far as I know...)

Anyway, nobody got hurt, but the story continues:  I email B. and F. and get the info on the shoes:  comfy and awesome, but NOT available anymore!  And they have searched.....

But perhaps they did not consider the avenues I CONSIDERED. I was like
"Oh, I should send this link to F.,  they could get a replacement while I think about it....BUT WAIT, what if F. buys the last pair IN MY SIZE?".  So I quickly order a pair...then I share the link with him...and you :)

In other news, I was in the mood to construct a bright and cheerful post-punk art deco-ish Godzilla sugar bowl...and so I did :)  Have an awesome Monday and happy birthday MEESH!

(new pottery by Gary Rith)


  1. I would like a photo of the shoes so hawt they made a Quaker be bad. :-)

  2. So enjoyable...bad-Quaker, footwear envious, Godzilla sugar bowl maker!

  3. Those are good looking shoes but the pots are even better looking.

  4. Perhaps a photo to show off the shoes when they arrive?

  5. Pretty tame shoes for making you go all Quaker Bad. I was expecting purple or some outrageous color. Still, those are pretty nice. Godzilla bowl is AWESOME!
