I am babysitting a new dog this week, JAZZY! You are saying "that looks like Yogi" and she does look like him.... and act like him and walk like him and...too bad both golden doodles were fixed 'cause they would have made DYnamite puppies...
the wife is along walking with us and spies the ancient couch by the dumpster...and makes sure we pose on it...it didn't SMELL AS BAD AS YOU MIGHT think.....it did not have have mystery wet spots either, but later I am wondering "bedbugs????? FLEAS????"

You have attracted the cutest dogs! Just watch that you're not scratching behind your ears with your hind leg, Gary!
My first thought was also BEDBUGS!
Jazzy is a beauty.
You have an 'in' with the golden doodles! :) Oh my…you are brave to have sat on that mystery couch.
We had worse couches in college apartments in the 70s.
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