Monday, June 25, 2012

who cares about Bambi, lookit that teapot!

teapot by Gary Rith
OK, sure, the little baby visitor to our backyard is utterly adorable (how can people shoot these things and eat them????? don't answer that you carnivorous cavemen and women)
BUT you know what is really adorable??? Not my cat and dog, although they are quite adorable, but this teapot just outta the kiln Saturday, yeOW! I have a lot of my favorite postcards printed (see below, with red teapot) and I was like "this is my best work, why don't I make more of this sh!t???" so I did this guy...and natch, I am making another today.......


  1. nice shot of mom and baby! and yes, that teapot is great.

  2. That teapot is stunningly graceful and cute!
    Is Mom dropping Bambi off at a safe vegan day-care while she goes foraging? Or is she saying, "See, dear, these are the best shrubs and flowers in the neighborhood. Enjoy breakfast"?

  3. Bambi - very, very cute.
    Teapot - awesome! love the color and also the doggie coming through the loop.

    Please make it stop raining here. :)

  4. That is very cute.. the teapot and of course, the fawn. Gotta love these creatures.

  5. Both are cute...the teapot and the dear deer!!!
