Saturday, December 3, 2011

of orders and patterns....

Its funny, you have friends in say, Minnesota ordering things for friends in say, Florida who are ordering things for the first friend back in Minnesota and its funny because you know all the Christmas secrets! You begin to realize that some people kinda collect your work, then give some to a friend who begins to collect your work and before you know it you are a millionaire.....heh :)

Back to patterns: I was realizing just yesterday how much I have always like tidy patterns, and I don't consciously think about it. Look at how I set up a row of handles for mugs yesterday. And my preferred drawn decoration mode has become a repeated pattern, like this cat with his coffee repeated around the mug...very orderly and pleasing, yet funny. (despite my affection for patterns, I am still a lousy housekeeper......)
Happy weekend all!

(new work by Gary Rith)


  1. Meow, meow, meow!!! Do I see Spike's influence there?

  2. If you were a millionaire, you would still be our favorite potter!!!!! Great work Gary!

  3. Cats & Coffee -- two of my favorite cozy comforts. :)

    Aren't secrets fun?!? :)

  4. Thanks for being my personal Christmas Elf this year. Happy to be on both the giving and receiving ends of boxes from Gary Rith pottery!
