Friday, December 2, 2011

its my cat in a box!

Why YES, my cat in a box, my favorite holiday video too, AND a before and after with this kiln. I took the before around 5 Thursday morning, it reached about 2200 around 5 yesterday evening, then today? At 5 again, 24 hours later? Took the after photo, looking soooooo gooooood.....


  1. Gary, you and that kiln work some lovely magic together!

  2. That video always cracks me UP!!!!!
    THe before and afters are those colors.
    I think Spike has hit the maximum weight limit for THAT box!!!!

  3. First I was all, "Spike in a box?" then I saw it could hold up to 50 pounds, so I knew it was gonna be okay. ;)

    Opening the kiln must truly be like opening gifts each time. Occasional disappointments (when something breaks) but mostly wonderfully exciting and happy!
