Thursday, August 25, 2011

blood and guts, skull and crossbones....

Just like the first day of school, I get blood drawn at the clinic and the wife gets a happy photo of me outside. I was tempted to bring the camera INTO the clinic but the wife was like "that is SO GROSS nobody wants to see you with a needle and tubes, having blood drawn!". I got a Garfield band aid, asked for it especially! The wife took me to breakfast after, because fasting is NO FUN. In other news, vis a vis back to school, check out my new SKULL AND CROSSBONE UNDIES! Badass, hm,mm? I have matching socks too.....


  1. I write incomprehensibly in the morning: I meant to say 'back to bloodbank picture, not a back to school picture' or something like that.

  2. Lol! That's a great thing to do so regularly. I've given blood, but I must admit I'm not a fan.

  3. You are so funny!!! I love garfield too!

  4. very cool undies... sophie has a surprise coming in the mail... a skull collar! she will be the coolest cat in the 'grove.

  5. Penny looks none too impressed with your undies, but what do dogs know of undergarments?
