Saturday, June 25, 2011

partying with Benji, Erin, the wife and.....

Me and the wife met up with our best pals Benji and Erin at the Chapterhouse last night...hadn't been to the Chapterhouse in a while, as you will have noticed...there had been an incident...involving me and somebody I have tried to avoid ever since....letting things calm down as it were...but the dude is supposedly in China, so going back to the Chappy seemed cool....

When you have seen comments on this blog from Summer, that is Erin...Erin lives down the street from us, and is a bug doctor. You think I am kidding? SHE IS! probably sounds rude of me to put it that way, but she is an entymologist at Cornell (a bug doctor, like I said). She is up to something involving fungus, nematodes and wasps. I asked if she had always wanted to study these things, and she tells the tale of her babysitter when she was little "you can't come in the house until you empty your pockets, leave the worms and whatever else OUTDOORS!" She is an accomplished artist as well....

Benji is awesome, per usual....showed us some of the paintings he is working on...bouncing around, as he does, between NY city and Ithaca...

You may know the expression "so it goes", which the writer Kurt Vonnegut is famous for...the wife is always saying that, and somebody helpfully graffited it with a pic of Vonnegut on the wall where we were parked...


  1. Sounds like you all had great fun! Have to get to Ithaca to meet up soon.

  2. Love that graffitti!
    Aww, I miss the Chapterhouse- and you guys!

  3. Glad you guys had a great time. I love the wall art, and especially with Maude's pose next to it. Great Fun, fun, fun :)

  4. pretty curious about the incident ......

  5. Yeah, I'm curious about the incident as well!
