Friday, June 24, 2011

a boatload once again.....

This teapot above, I was gonna make it black with a skull, but the wife is like "blues!" so I did that. Twas a good idea, yes?
But what can I say? I am painting all these pieces this week. The pig on that teapot looks especially round and fun and friendly, so I know I am doing the right thing....I have been making tiles, too, that could be placed on a table as a hot pad or hung on the wall, just a chance to make something low priced and also experiment...

(new pottery by Gary Rith)


  1. What size are the tiles? Coaster size or hot plate size? That is a cool idea.

  2. That is a beautiful blue, she was right.

  3. AWWW! SO CUTE! Look at that cute little raccoon! Oh it's all so adorable.

  4. The blue teapot is are the tiles!!!

  5. Awesome! The tiles are very cute, love the racoon!

  6. Really cute pottery Gary. Love the trivets, that is a great idea. The drawings are oh so "falling in love with" wonderful. You certainly are producing a ton of work...great job! love seeing all your creative works!

  7. Hey- love the tiles- nice addition.

  8. Dibs on the elephant! Now I know where to get accent tiles should my kitchen ever be finished enough to install a backsplash.

  9. That teapot is a LOVELY color: the wife was EVER so right!

    In fact, I like everything in this post! Really nice stuff, Gary!
