Well sure, you can give jewelry, but hell, what does she really want? What does she really desire in her heart of hearts???? A NEW TOILET BAGEL! The conversation goes like this, after:
"I thought you would love getting a new toilet...what are they called, you know, the round thing, the toilet bagel!" and she is eating her breakfast, which is, coincidentally, a bagel, and sorta spits out her mouthful
"GOD! Don't call it that! Its a toilet seat!"
Oh, right, makes sense, toilet seat. Anyway, you have been married umpteen years, you give the less romantic* more utilitarian and useful gifts. The smart man gives the wife the new blender, the new vacuum cleaner, if the budget is low, a new toilet plunger, maybe some windex and paper towels*. I went for it: drove down to home despots and was amazed at the selection! 5 dollars and up! I got the WHISPER QUIET!!!!! Did you know you can get a toilet seat with spring loaded hinges, YOU CANNOT SLAM THE LID DOWN. Which is useful when guests are coming...guests who might, you know, have the midnight tinkle and slam the toilet lid down....
OK, YES, she was totally surprised to come home to a new toilet seat...a fancy one no less! But I have to say, although installation is not hard, it is horrible. I scrubbed and scrubbed, everywhere, of course, but the whole process makes you wash your hands about 15 times......

(me and the wife recently: we met December 1989 and were friendly for 2-3 years, had our first outing or almost date December 1991--Beauty and the Beast was one of the first outings---and January 1992 we looked at each other and CLICK, became an item....and got married Christmas eve 1992 :)
*btw, in addition to the new toilet bagel, I gave her a gold ring and pin with amethyst and opals, pink and red roses too....not as dumb as you think I am, am I?