Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Georges Le Soq and the 12 days of Christmas....

Georges was inspired by Bob and Doug McKenzie to write his own 12 days of Christmas.
As of happy hour last night, he has 5 days out of 12. We will keep working on it :)

On the first day of Christmas my true love gave to me A beer in a big banana tree.

On the second day of Christmas my true love gave to me two pink argyle socks and a
beer in a big banana tree....

On the third day of Christmas my true love gave to me three French wenches, 2 pink argyle socks and a
beer in a big banana tree.

On the fourth day of Christmas my true love gave to me four crawling drunks, 3 French wenches, 2 pink argyle socks and a beer in a big banana tree.

On the fifth day of Christmas my true love gave to me
FIVE CHARDONAYS, 4 crawling drunks, 3 French wenches, 2 pink argyle socks and a beer in a big banana tree.... :)

Stay tuned!


  1. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! That's great, Gary. You're so creative! =)

  2. One little sock monkey and 5 CHARDONAYS. Someone is going to need le stomach pump.

  3. Thanks, Gary! Doug and Bob's Twelve Days of Christmas is the perfect start to the first day of December. I hope Georges finishes the rest of the verses of HIS version. Will he record it?

  4. They forgot the cans of lol lol :) A local favorite here...oh and deer sausage...ugh! Please, please, no no no...! I have even had people around here sneak that in my food...oh ugh, it's awful stuff to me! OH NO OH NO Deer steaks, sausage, jerky...please no!

  5. That is so funny...and I am beginning to think your Monkey has a drinking problem. :)

  6. The five chardonnays sounds good to me. (Hic!)

  7. Love Bob and Doug, of course... "And a BEER!"

    I think Georges is going to need some Irish Whisky soon...
