Tuesday, June 1, 2010

June 1 = favorite day of the year

Me and the wife were like, totally digging a hot and beautiful Memorial Day weekend, capped off with a martini and weenie roast, as you see. As the wife said, vis a vis the sweating, ice-filled penguin shaker "that is gonna be ARCTIC cold" and the martinis WERE quite chilly and tasty with the tofu pups.
June 1 = my favorite day of the year (rainy as it is now) because you wake up and you're like "3 guarenteed gorgeous months ahead!" The wife always says "but May is nice too" and I remind her "remember all the snow we had on mother's day?"
Working on painting bunnies on mugs. Channeling my inner Beatrix Potter.


  1. I used to feel that way about June too. Now I've relaxed me criteria and have begun to include May.. sometimes even April. ;)

  2. I was just saying to Brian yesterday "Aren't you glad that summer is here?!" and he takes another swig of the High Life and nods in agreement. :D

  3. May was lovely (and much too hot on Saturday, Sunday, and Monday).
    June, however, is so high-stress around my house that I cannot even begin to contemplate summer.
    July 1st is coming...

    PS: Shouldn't December 24th be the BEST day of your year??!?

  4. I am a fan of the june as well.All the best things happen, summer solstice, school ends, thus freeing up kids for random adventures, and tourists start to arrive and buy pots.

  5. I hope you get your 3 good months of weather. It will be stiffling hot here...but I will survive. I hope.
    Martinis and weenies? yummy.

  6. June is a pretty good month. October is my favorite month of the year. If it wasn't followed by winter it would be 100% perfect. ;-)

  7. Martini glasses are so fancy. Everything just tastes better out of a fancy glass.

  8. 3 months of nude sunbathing!!!
