Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Belle Melange

(cute mug eh?)
I am down at Lisa's rather faboo gallery in downtown Ithaca, Belle Melange, unloading a bunch of HAWT PAWTS for sale and Lisa is like
"hey, would you like to be the featured artist in July??? There will be a party!" and I am like
and she goes on
"OK, good, so Friday, July 2 from 5-8 we will have the opening and you will be the star all month and I am like
Lisa is so wonderful.
There she is below in front of her cute gallery....


  1. Fabulous! Congratulations!

    Ummm...wait a minute... does this mean no Chapterhouse event that day?
    (Trust me to throw beer on your enthusiasm!)

  2. Congrats on the showing! Always nice to have a venue isn't it?

  3. And of course the sales won't hurt either... ;)

  4. Yaaay! The mug looks FAB -maybe they'll let you have a little fire pit fire on the sidewalk and you'd be in HEAVEN, fire AND A show!!
