Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Beagle Punk

Penny is adorable, and we all love her, but she plays kinda rough with Spike the cat, who seems to have fun. Buster and Emily cat also pass through.
Then, of course, she had to howl for no reason. It is remarkable the number of youtube videos there are of DIFFERENT Penny beagles howling....


  1. I love beagle howls. Get it, Penny! I don't care it it's nothing.
    Spike is bigger than Penny! Emily and Buster find the whole scene ridiculous.

  2. Oh Penny and Spike are so much like Benny and Skitty when they get together. It seems to make Buster a bit uneasy, eh? And thirsty. :)

    And in that last vid, Penny is just trying to make sure you know she's looking out for you. Good guarding, Penny!

  3. Smack-down between Penny and Spike, who's the winner??
