Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Talk about a "Day of Infamy"….

There is so much to say, and I keep saying it and deleting it, but I am very disappointed in the American people.


  1. The Simpsons, 2000....but no-one listened then...perhaps they should watch it again now!

    On another note,the sun is shining brightly and snow is 20 miles away to both North and South of it is 5 degrees C warmer!!!

  2. I am going to post my cute animals, flowers, and lots of pots.

    I don't

  3. Just pots, pets, and plants for me.

    I believe in non-violence, but I am in a deep negative morass. I'm not sure how I will get past it.

  4. I'm right there with you. Deeply disappointed.

    But, I must keep my head up and be a force for good and fairness and equality. It's a beautiful, crisp, November day in GA. I have my family and my job. I have people on the interwebs so I know I'm not alone in my disappointment. I have much to be thankful for.

  5. Well, it's a sad day, but I'll try.

  6. try to think of the good things. That's what I was trying to say in the previous comment. I can't even think straight enough to get the comment written correctly.

  7. Yep. Bitterly disappointed.
