Friday, September 2, 2016

almost famous...

I was dreaming just moments ago that I was in a painting and drawing exhibition, a very big deal.  I was looking at my work, basically little doodles on scraps, a mishmash or uncoordinated junk, surprised they had been selected…but still proud and exited. That followed a dream where the freezer was empty so I had to bake TWO batches of cookies…  a busy night :)

The wife is binding poems into special books for the public library. She is not alone in this project….
have a great weekend :)

1 comment:

  1. I am on a mission to do book binding this winter! I learned a simple method many years ago, but want to learn the method the Paulus Berensohn uses. I want to make my own sketch books.
    Kitty's always like to help when there is paper or yarn involved!
