Thursday, June 23, 2016

speaking of T-Rex...

(YES, little boys like me and Calvin grow up one day to be grown men making dinosaur mugs….)

A couple of days ago I showed you a mug I had made with a dinosaur drawn on it…a cute and cheerful dinosaur!  I quickly made and fired another, and more will be coming, I am pretty pleased with this. THIS particular dude is for sale now at my easy shoppe, click to get it now!

  T-Rex dinosaur mug


  1. Calvin and Hobbes is the best inspiration! I bet you had a lot of Calvin in you as a kid!

  2. That is a funny memory of Calvin--yesterday G tucked his arms in his shirtsleeves at the orthodontist's and began acting like a T-Rex, too. We laughed pretty hard and I thought of that same cartoon! Great minds, right, Gary?

  3. Calvin's the best! T rex, yeah.

  4. Dinosaurs and dragons EVERYWHERE! Too awesome!
