Friday, May 6, 2016

c'mon SPRING gawdammit….

My mother, that ever reliable source of weather info and stats, tells me that April was colder than December for us…considering Christmas eve was almost 70 degrees, and we had quite a lot of snow in April PLUS below zero (coldest April day on record) I think I could have figured it out…sadly, March had been beautiful and mild and the plants got a head start, got frost damaged and now…meh.  BARELY any forsythia, hardly any daffodils or tulips, and I wonder about the apple and cherry trees, what will they do?
But May is always a gorgeous month and it has been.
My plant seedlings are now about 3 weeks old and doing well--the pic shows cosmos and sunflowers and tomatoes.  Elsewhere my basil and lavender look good too, and all will be planted in about 4 weeks in containers and pots outside….
it has been years since I have fired a kiln and looked in the port at the cone…and Thursday I did.  I could see the cone 6 melted a bit (cones are these things that melt at a particular desired temp. that you use to measure heat inside the kiln).  I hadn't looked into a kiln (me and my dark glasses) in a very long time…

Finally, my beagle can DANCE!  Hold up a treat and watch what she can do….


  1. We are having some cold weather in GA too. I think February was warmer than May. Weird.

  2. May temperatures have finally come.. it's so nice to have windows open and the heat turned off! Penny is adorable as always. And I love that little glass vase of wild violets (or whatever they're actually called by someone who knows which is not me). ;)
