Friday, March 18, 2016

puke on the sidewalk = an utterly ordinary Friday

March 18, except for some people's birthdays or the excitement of the end of the work week or payday--just another day, really.  Not like yesterday, when some people go nuts with the Irish beers and whiskies and then, as the wife and I remarked yesterday:

she "I'm crossing the street this morning before walking past Kilpatrick's"
me "it's the puke on the sidewalk, isn't it?"
she "yep"

A pair of large new vases by me, pretty nice, hmm?


  1. For St. Patrick's day, I amused myself by looking at pictures I had taken in Ireland. Yes, there was a picture of puke on the sidewalk across from a pub.

  2. I'll stick to the corned beef and fixin's thanks. We now celebrate St. Patrick's Day as Winter's Homecoming Day! Much more fun!

  3. I love this new purple. Missed out on the whole St. Patrick's day phenomenon this year, not to say I missed much. I do like wearing green, though.
