Wednesday, March 16, 2016

joy at the dog park….

Whenever dogs have some acres to run around and some friends to chase they look so utterly JOYFUL don't they?
I had gotten some good work done so Penny and I went to the dog park in Ithaca's Cass Park on Cayuga Lake.  I have taken her there once before, and other dogs many times.  Penny is shy with other dogs, but it is worth giving her a chance….
In her beaglish way she spent a lot of time sniffing around but then began playing with 2 puppies…a 100 pound Great Pyrennies (sp.?) named Bubba…100 pounds at 4 months, due to weigh at least 140 as an adult!  His owner says he is very stubborn…he is very friendly, but my 20 pound stubborn beagle is a LOT easier to manage, don't you think?  Then a poodle type puppy named Sophie came along and was Penny's size and they were ecstatic together…..


  1. The running dogs remind me of some mugs I see with running dogs painted on where did I see those??? Oh, of course! Here!

  2. Happy, happy, dogs! Glad Penny found some friends to run with.
