Thursday, December 17, 2015

none of mine....

I rarely speak of other people's pots.  I like Meesh and Jeff's pots a lot, but I guess I should admit:  I am so focused on what I need to make I don't always notice anybody else's.

BUT, as you hear me say so often, I was trained in the styles and practices of traditional far-eastern pottery, Japan, Korea and China.
Of those, my favorite is the celadon, which is the range of pale grey/green/blue glazes.  Different potters had different recipes and therefore different shades and tones.
I already have some glazes close to a typical celadon, but my glazes tend to be more opaque than celadons, which can be a little transparent.  What this allows, as you sometimes see on some of these pots, is that the maker carved a subtle pattern on the pot.  OMFG do you know how much I love that?  You see a pretty pot from across the room, get closer and view an intricate flower pattern all over it?

SO, that is what I continue to explore in 2016, as you will see.  I have a new celadon glaze I am trying out and an idea for patterns made under....
in the meantime, I DEFINATELY enjoyed visiting Cornell's Johnson Art Museum Tuesday and getting a few pictures of favorite items....all are several hundred years old and exquisite.


  1. How totally yummy. Last shot I can't figure out though...

  2. thanks for the shout out! i love celadon too... happy that I just got an order for some plates and bowls in celadon on porcelain.
