Sunday, November 1, 2015

a shot of bourbon and a banana....

The wife asks "did you get any Halloween candy for kids?"
Self "no"
she "but what if somebody comes to our door?"
self "nobody is coming to our door tonight" (we live on a state highway-NOT safe for kids to walk at night...)
she "but what if...?"
self "then I'll give them what we've got ... um, a shot of bourbon and, um, a banana!"

Just think what you missed, kids.....

IN other news, the wife and I hiked around Beebe Lake on the Cornell campus, taking advantage of 2015's LAST late afternoon (so damn DARK after the time change)...and the cat took over my sock drawer.

Just another day in paradise :)


  1. I find the light particularly beautiful at this time of year. No, I am not thrilled about the early darkness either. On the other hand it does get light earlier. It's all ridiculous when you think about it. There are still 24 hours in the day. What we really need is a magic daylight stretcher!

  2. I should have come trick or treating at your house.

  3. Have a happy Nov. 1! Penny is waiting for someone to climb stairs with her!

  4. Remind me to come trick or treating at your house next year!

    I had a friend in KC who would, as an adult, go trick or treating for cocktails. I could always count on Bill showing up at some point on Halloween.
