Thursday, October 22, 2015

not exactly junk food.....

 (New pitcher by Gary Rith)

Yes, the morning glories are KAPUT, having had temps in the 20s.  But they live on here on my pots, right?

Messed up night of dreams:  I dreamt I was going through a school cafeteria line.  I put a load of salad WITH dressing into my backpack, then tossed in a baked potato for now and 2 for later.  When I got to a table and began eating out of my backpack I realized I would have to launder that thing, and soon.....


  1. I think the morning glories are my favorite of your flower designs, so far!

  2. Dreams are something, aren't they? I often find my dream self objecting to plot lines in the dreams. "Why would I want to move to Oakland?" being a recent example.

    The morning glory pots are just wonderful!
