Wednesday, September 23, 2015

elephant mugs.....

I remember the Syracuse zoo 30 years ago:  visiting with my nephew, a kid could ride an elephant.  It seems very unlikely that is still allowed.  Around 25 years ago when I lived in Chicago I lived a block or 2 from the Lincoln Park Zoo and visited the elephants (and arctic fox, tigers, polar bears, etc) every week.  There was a notice in the elephant area that they would throw their poo when they got mad, evidence of which was on all the walls.  They had reason to be mad, as nice as that zoo is, to humans, many of the cages were pretty small, and I hope they have better space now.

When i was very young I LOVED Dumbo, the little outsider elephant who saves the day, LOVED loved loved Dumbo.  Still do :)

These mugs have become my most popular. I don't make too many, but I have a few available at my etsy gallery (click here!)....


  1. I thought of the parade of elephants in Dumbo even before I read the post! Your fence rail is so perfect for your animals. Last week pigs, this week elephants! You are Menagerie Man!

  2. Great mugs, me too, love those elephants! (Just wish that our modern symbols did't use them for a political party!)

  3. I love those mugs and they just look so fun in a parade like this.

  4. I think the elephant parade might be even cuter than the pig parade.
