(cup and saucer by Gary Rith)
You will notice, of the cup above, that it is blue with teal blue. I was thinking a) ocean! and b) glaze it 2 colors, nearly the same, different but subtle.
It comes out of the kiln Sunday afternoon and the wife is like "I want that, it looks like the ocean!" which, as I say, was what I was thinking.
We had been in a rush to return home after going to a bike clinic in the afternoon. Our bikes had not been out yet, it being so wintry, really (Sunday morning: temps AGAIN in the 30s, frost out there, us out in our coats and gloves--later it was a nice 84 degrees).
Anyway, so we tuned up the bikes then rode...since I blog EVERYTHING, how come I forgot the camera for the season's first bike ride? Oh well. We came across a garage sale and said we can only buy what fits into our pockets...and the wife got 3 little dishes and a change purse which were all pocket sized...but ANYWAY so we get back late and I want pizza.
My cornbread pizza is SUPER fast. (recipe follows) I made a couple of changes to how I do it and I am SO GLAD, it makes it perfect. It is not a pizza that should have tons of toppings on top, cornbread is a little too soft for that. SO I thought "put diced pepper and onion INTO no on the pizza" plus I made it in the skillet instead of 8 x 8 brownie pan. DANG how come I hadn't done that before?
Have a great Monday!
Gary's quick cornbread pizza for 2+
-preheat to 350 and grease your iron skillet or 8 x 8 brownie pan
-in a large bowl stir: 1 cup fine cornmeal (or cornflour or just cornmeal)
1 1/2 Tbs sugar
1 teas bake powder
1/2 teas salt
-in a small bowl beat an egg then stir in:
1/2 cup milk (I use soy)
1/8 cup cooking oil
-Add wet to dry. You can dice up half an onion, half a bell pepper (or use your imagination!) and stir that in too. Stir several times, until nicely mixed.
-Scoop batter into skillet or pan, spread the top evenly with a wet spoon. It will be maybe 1/2 inch thick.
-Bake about 22 minutes, remove from oven.
-Top with some tomato sauce and toppings and cheese on top...not too much.
-Put it back into the oven, still at 350, for a few minutes until the cheese has melted and toppings look cooked. Remove from oven, let it sit a couple of minutes, slice and serve OH BOY!