Monday, March 16, 2015

Mugshot Monday: I didn't do the crime!

(new pottery by Gary Rith)

These rose/chrysanthemum pieces have inspired another sort of thing, a version 2.0 of flowered pots by me, as it were. I have some of those in the kiln, get to see them today :)

But sure, making other pottery types too, right? As you see below...

OK, so I dreamt I was a respectable teacher blahblahblah and somehow got involved in and angry at a couple of thieves and con men....and there was an attempted murder, some felony theft and burglary along with embezzlement...and suddenly I found myself and these other 2 realizing we could testify against each other if we got caught by the police...but it was better to RUN which is what we did, having an hour to grab a few things and disappear.

I think the moral of that story is:
always have a false mustache, different glasses, a spare outfit at least one other identity with passport and cards and cash.  A lot of cash.  In a bag, ready to go...maybe some snacks in there, and a paperback or 2 that you havn't read yet....


  1. I particularly like the green lid on the new teapot, matching the insides of the mugs...and rose-antehemums are pretty on the white clay!

  2. Something must have been in the air last night... Jeff dreamed that he had to escape from a Korean prison.

    That's a sweet tea set in the first photo.
