Monday, March 30, 2015

a BAKER, not really a bowl, or even a bucket...

(new serving dish by Gary Rith--imagine your mashed potato in there...)

I don't make many baking or serving dishes, but had in mind this sort of ridged, whacked thing with a certain pair of I made it.  Nice, eh?
Have an awesome Monday!


  1. A big pile of mashed potatoes would be so inviting in that bowl! The green is gorgeous!

  2. I have trouble serving from dishes that aren't smooth sided, spoons just don't get into grooves that well. But that's my practical self talking. Artistic self says, way out!

  3. Nice. I like the texture on the handles.

  4. I don't care about smooth lines for serving... it just means during clean up I can use my finger and lick up the tasty tidbits...
    when no one is looking ;-)
    your bowls/bakers are awesome.
