Saturday, February 14, 2015

artists have a VALENTINE's advantage...

Artists have no money, but we have IMAGINATION.  We know that giving the wife a convertible or diamond tiara or dozen roses is all TOO ORDINARY AND BORING.

We know what she really wants, what makes her pretty self SWOON:  new plates and mango tacos!

NOT JUST ANY new plates, of course, but ones we made ourself (thrifty artist count:  $0 dollars spent so far. Lover satisfaction points:  A+.)  And to go on them?  Make some MANGO TACOS in a recipe of your own invention (scrounge in the fridge for interesting ingredients, add a hot pan, combine with a LOT of spice, thrifty artist count $0 dollars spent, again! Lover satisfaction points:  A+).

AND, top all that off.  YOU KNOW she doesn't want to go to the movies, a fine restaurant or a Jamaican beach, what she REALLY wants is to make tortillas with you in your own kitchen (TRUE:  we like making own gf tortillas so much, tonight will be 3 nights in a row)--(thrifty artist count:  again, $0 spent!!!! Lover satisfaction points:  A+)

Finally, of course, is curling up in bed with the beagle and a movie gotten free from the library.  This artist scores AGAIN..... ( Game, set and match--thrifty artist count:  $0 spent, lover satisfaction points:  A+)
Bonus?  Husband is S3XY AS HELL, nearly as s3xyhawt as the wife, right?
 Beat THAT everybody....


  1. You are the greatest! Chef, dog walker, pet watcher, artist/potter, and probably lover (ask Mrs. Tastycakes, cause I sure wouldn't know). Happy Valentines Day!

  2. I'd keel over if D made me a meal like that!
    You treated her right, Gary.

  3. Those plates are gorgeous. And mango tacos???? Yes please! I really need to get going with your tortilla recipe. I miss burritos!

  4. It all sounds perfect. Those plates are gorgeous.
