Thursday, December 11, 2014

not exactly Buffalo, but STILL up to a foot.....

We were s'posed to get an easy 3 inches over 2 days....
not exactly.  There was still school yesterday, but right now it looks like we got a foot or more.  These pictures show things when it was still just a few inches, Soupy the neighbor's corgi and our Penny plus Soupy's house in the snow across the street....
IF THAT ISN'T CHRISTMASSY I don't know what is :)
(with flash and without, cool eh?)



  1. Poor little low slung doggies! Great first shot...Christmas Card stuff! Now I'm going to go type 8437 to prove I'm not a robot.

  2. Thanks for making me think that it’s actually pretty warm here even though it’s “only” in the 50’s.

    Your house looks beautiful in the snow.
