Tuesday, December 9, 2014

gluten-free vegan veggie burger!

I havn't had meat in...decades.  Then, of course, I had to take out dairy and gluten...what are we left with????? SO MANY THINGS!
Veggie burgers from the store can be tasty, of course, but they often have gluten...and I figured there had to be an easy way to do something with black beans, etc and came across this recipe that basically uses 4 simple things ground up together:  spice, cooked rice and sweet potato and black beans, that is IT! And OH my, so delish...makes you wonder why everybody thinks cooking has to be complicated and difficult....
AND like I said yesterday, I like avocado whipped with lemon juice, what a perfect topping on there....
have an awesome Tuesday!


  1. Penney looks willing to be a taste tester! Stay warm and dry!

  2. So often the best foods are the simplest.

  3. That does look nice but it just seems wrong to call it a burger. Then again, it seems wrong to call beef burgers HAMburgers.
