Saturday, November 15, 2014

Over the river and through the woods: looking Christmassy here...

WHY YES, there is a river and woods behind our house, and although we get snow October-May, yesterday was our first that looked like a snowy day....(and more falling now, of course).

Our back yard.  There is a river back there...

A steel bridge around the corner takes you across the river. Cool pattern, eh?

Ducks!  Looking off the bridge toward our house and yard  at that bend there, to the right....


  1. I love how the sun comes out to sparkle everything after a snow! Then it melts into mud everywhere...why does Penny look so forlorn? Chilly?

  2. Snow on fallen leaves is so pretty...when the sun is shining!

  3. Those are gorgeous photos. Snow is very pretty when it's in someone elses back yard!

  4. Penny looks brrr-y. (That's what Laura used to say instead of "chilly" when she was little.)
