Thursday, November 20, 2014

CRAZY CAT LADIES, when you go shopping, what do YOU bring home?

SURE, you could buy another cat or dog, or even quite a few, but maybe this time you realize your house is FULL of buy one of my new cat or dog mugs from my etsy gallery! Hypoallergenic too!

Scottie or terrier mugcat and mouse mugpair of dog teacups


  1. Well, Spike is sure green-eyed with envy...which is better than red-eye, right?

  2. Cats in sacks! It's great fun until they get a leg caught in the handle to the grocery bag and run around the house with the bag "chasing" and "attacking" them. Good times. We now cut the handles off the bags when we give them to the cats. Yes, I'm that cat lady.

  3. I must leave a shopping bag lying around and see what happens.

  4. I’m a crazy dog lady, no cat wants to be here with my pups.
