Sunday, August 24, 2014


Oh goodness, my two favorite books when I was little (well, Peter Rabbit too...and others....) were BABAR and HORTON HEARS a WHO...and I loved how the mocked little elephant Dumbo showed everybody how being different could be for a great reason...and there are other great things about Dumbo....

So, you know, you never forget that sort of thing, do you?  Have a great Sunday!

(now pottery by Gary Rith)


  1. I think we all were given great visuals when young with the picture books we "heard" read to us...and I am going to start looking at the artists as inspirations for us! Never thought of that, always just thinking of the authors. Did Dr. Seuss do his own art? I think so.

  2. Babar! I was all grown up before I would risk a mushroom.
