Saturday, August 16, 2014

group socks and you say "Kooba" not "Cuebah"

(WHY do I share these things?  Do you really need to know? YES.  You do :)

I was dreaming just now that I was in the South Bronx at a beach.
Sure, in reality I was once lost there around Christmas, driving near Yankee Stadium with wife, 2 dogs, 2 cats and a boatload of furniture, looking at the road I wanted to be on, but could not get there from...anyway, it worked out fine that day....

OK, but in this dream, I was biking and stopped at a beach pavilion with restrooms in the South Bronx.  A large fellow was eyeing my bike, but you could see he dismissed stealing it because of its age...I stepped out a door to the beach and it was potentially very pretty, but covered in trash.  Mostly plastic junk...I went back in, and I tried to say something friendly about the Viva Cuba tee that large fellow was wearing, and he tells me, angrily, it is pronounced "Kooba" not "Cuebah" as if he is gonna kick my azz for not using the correct Spanish accent... it was time to move on.  Interestingly, I biked across the highway and ...who knew?  The South Bronx has a luxury shopping mall.  I was looking to get out of this dream, and found myself on the escalator behind 2 yuppies who had just run into each other, she telling he "Oh hey, I remember you.  I havn't seen you since the group socks...."
It was time to wake up alright and I hope I don't have to spell out what I mean by socks...

Have a look at this FINEfinefine teapot.  The other day I asked myself "have I accomplished ANYTHING in this life???" and YES.  This teapot. :)
Have a great weekend!

(teapot by Gary Rith)


  1. A very fine teapot indeed. Group socks, eh? Silly man, dreams are messages to ourselves!

  2. A cheerful elephant teapot is a fine way to meet the morning. And, yes Gary, you have done far more than this teapot!
    Enjoy the week end!

  3. My my you have colorful dreams. ;-)

    If all you accomplished in life was creating that teapot, it would be a life well lived. Lucky for the world there is so much more of you, pottery, fiction, animals, sock monkeys, the missus, recipes, photos of all of it, blog posts, and the dreams you share that intrigue and delight.

    Have a great Saturday!

  4. That is a mighty fine teapot. What a happy elephant!

  5. That is a most delightful elephant. From another angle, he must be looking up at the pourer, smiling.
