Friday, July 18, 2014

lions and tigers and bears OH MY!

(new pottery by Gary Rith)
Well, maybe giraffes and elephants and bears.... Carman has a shop (Snowbird's Cottage!) and asks for the elephants and specific bear honey pots and...giraffes.  Do I do giraffes?  YES.  Maybe not lately, but of course I do!
Have a great weekend everybody!


  1. Hilarious giraffes...and I'm in love with the honey pots!

  2. My wallet is straining and trying very, very hard to jump through the monitor right now!

  3. Such graceful giraffes. I can see why all of these would be top sellers!

  4. Those honey pots are awesome! I was just at my best friend Jen's house for dinner this week (in Minnesota!) and there on the shelf was a Gary Rith original giraffe mug!!!!! You may now start singing "it's a small world..." (and I apologize for the ear worm)
