Thursday, July 31, 2014

gargoyles and grotesques C'EST MOI...

My family nickname, among other nicknames (YES, I had more than one) was GARGOYLE.  It was used most often.  I was a rogue and up to no good, so the fact that I was NOT EXACTLY a good boy combined with the close spelling and sound to Gary:  no brainer.  I was Gargoyle.

Did you know that a gargoyle is specifically a drain spout, and a grotesque is just a nasty/fun sculpture on the side of a building?  Gargoyle has come to mean any grotesque figure on a building, actually.  I have not put one on a mug in a while...and WHY NOT????  (need to make more...)
Have an awesome Thursday!
(new mugs by Gary Rith)


  1. I've always liked a good gargoyle, but never knew they began as downspouts!

  2. I learn something every day. Did you see the Darth Vader grotesque on the link? Cool!

  3. The gargoyles of Notre Dame are amazing...that's what I'd go see if I went to Paris (among a few other things!) Glad to say I know one now! ;)-

  4. I'm guessing you've already made a teapot with a gargoyle spout...

  5. I can't believe that was your nickname; I'm not buying this story Gary. :)

  6. Gargoyle mugs!!! Amazing! I love Claudia's guess. Is it true? Have you made such a teapot? <3!
