Friday, July 11, 2014

(almost) running out the door...

I need to hit the road.  But I am still sipping coffee and need to make three pb and j's.

People ask "do you stay in a hotel when you do an out of town fair???" and it is like "holy SH!T, what kind of profits do you think I make? I can't afford a hotel, or a restaurant.  Besides, it is just an hour's drive!"  I have no problem getting up early and driving an hour or 2...that is why I am still in business, thrifty!

OK, so the dream just now goes like this:  my mechanic is driving me through a an indoor soccer game at somebody's house in England.  Where we play soccer with LARGE LOGS instead of balls.

Time to go, have a great weekend :)


  1. With LOGS?!! A little anxious?
    Toes crossed for a most excellent week end!

  2. Safe travels and have a great show.

  3. We're having Scottish Games nearby (nearer Boone actually). Perhaps their logs got tossed into your dream and intercepted a bit of World Cup Soccer. May you have good sales!

  4. Lordy, Lordy! You DO have the most interesting dreams. Enjoy your PB&J and the show! :-)

  5. Happy Selling!
    Jeff and I are thrifty too. When we are on a road trip north we pack lunches and dinner. During the LNHC show at Mt. Sunapee we stay with a friend and commute an hour to the show, and bring a cooler.

  6. Logs? I guess you're rolling!
