Wednesday, June 4, 2014


Variations of the vase above are my favorite thing to make (or if you ask me at this moment, my favorite...might change later :)  I always make them in greens, sometimes with grooves all the way down, sometimes fatter, thinner or taller.  This one seems esp. schweet, to my eyes :)

It is a seemingly ideal shape for a bottle/vase, and yes, I know my classical Korean and far eastern pottery shapes, my version sure IS based on that ideal....

Speaking of ideal tortillas?  Huh?
OK, more tortilla research yesterday, nearly perfect...but I wonder if just one more change will make my recipe MORE nearly perfect...maybe lunch today I whip up another experiment...then maybe share it with you, eh?

I dreamt that I was teaching again, with the people I taught with for real...and we were on a bike trip through the halls... have a great Wednesday :)

(new pottery by Gary Rith)


  1. You are Mama Gonzalez with your tortillas - I'd say Papa G but you know, he never learned how to make a tortilla (whoever he was). Go for it. My fav today is the green with facets!

  2. Very pretty vases, perfect for spring.
