Thursday, June 19, 2014

a cat coffee cup is a pretty poor dog dish when you think about it...

Like I said yesterday, I need to make Penny a new dog food dish.  Because a year or 2 ago she broke the nice one I made her ...and so I grabbed a cat coffee cup off the counter for her to use...and she is still using it.  Pretty unsuitable, right?  Yesterday I made a big dish, which will become their water dish, because their nice water dish is a little small for thirsty beasts, but better for dog food. Do ravenous little beagles really care about this, as long as they are fed?


  1. As long as the dish doesn't tip over and they are able to eat I'm not sure that ravenous little beagles even notice.

  2. Yay Gary...Spike and Penny may not notice, but you DID!

  3. Our dog loves meals and mother in law watched the dog licking the dish and she says, "Zoe is licking the blue right off of that dish." Is it the color? Is it the smoothness of the dish?

  4. That's a really big cup! I don't know about dogs, but ravenous cats don't care about the dish.

  5. Well ... we care! Because we love pottery photos, that's why.

  6. I am sure she is happy as long as she gets food. The small cup probably slows her down too. So many dogs (and cats) eat too fast.
