Wednesday, May 7, 2014

when pigs fly.....regarding childhood....

(pottery airplanes with pigs by Gary Rith)
You have seen me make a few pigs flying airplanes BUT I wanted to make a bigger one...with rolling wheels!  And a propeller that SPINS.  I worked on the idea and... :)

You have heard me say often enough that when I was 5 I saw Pinnichio and always wanted to be the guy who made toys (them coming alive is optional).  So, amongst the bowls or mugs you see me get these ideas sometimes... I mean, actually, I make these things with no particular PLANS, just the fun challenge of it.... have an awesome day!


  1. Ah Gepetto, you are the greatest clay toy maker! A propeller that works! Why do pigs fly, anyway?

  2. Now I want to watch Pinocchio again.

  3. I think it would be great fun to get a look inside your crazy pottery brain sometime. :) These are fabulous!

  4. But then again, I suppose seeing inside your crazy brain is sort of the point of this thanks!

  5. Those are really very clever and cute, you've got making wheels that turn down pat.
