Thursday, May 1, 2014

April showers bring....

The wife, as usual, asks this joke each spring:  "If April showers bring May flowers, what do May flowers bring?" and the answer, considering it is a joke best spoken from one 10 year old to another, is "Mayflowers bring Pilgrims!".

Ahem, anyway, we grew those tulips.  April was a remarkably cold and wet and snowy month, the tail end of a !!!!! winter that began with blizzards in Thanksgiving... I only mention this because last week I showed you a rare sunny day here, where I was drying bowls outside....fired and done and looking good, eh? YES, it started to rain just after I took this photo...
 Have an awesome Thursday :)

(bowls by Gary Rith)


  1. i LOVE these of my favorite things to throw....nicely lined up here! sunny and bright here for a change :)

  2. Oh you lied, your black thumb actually grew those tulips! And of course it actually threw the vase too! Well, you're forgiven because you created beauty, twice.

  3. I hope you have warm, sunny days soon.

  4. A sunny day, just to get our hopes up and then....

  5. The joke is funny to me….so I'm also 10. yippee.
    Tulips??? Gorgeous and you grew them!!!
