Monday, February 10, 2014

meanwhile, back at the ranch

Some of you will remember my parents have a small farm near Ithaca.  It is in the middle of a state forest, so basically what they have, added to that, amounts to thousands of acres of meadows, trees, old apple orchards, pond and river, huge hills and glens and gorges. You may recall me picking apples off the old trees there last September, but they don't farm anything, except 33 acres of hay for another farmer's bedding in the barn. But there had been cows and the orchard was once young, still a very nice barn which my father uses as a painting studio.

And a tractor.  They have a tractor.  I havn't been on it in awhile, and they found this picture somewhere of 7-8 years ago:  before I needed glasses, before we had Penny and when we had Buster and Jack our black labs... have a great Monday!


  1. Oh yeah, I can totally see you playing on a tractor.

  2. Thanks Cheri, they are still there, unwilling to do anything but keep enjoying it :)

  3. Marvelous sounding place to live!

  4. Amazing how different life can be only a few years later. Looks like a beautiful spot for a painter looking for inspiration (and potters too).
